Visit One of Our Three Locations Today!
Citronella Wax Candle Bucket, Triple Wick, Americana, Assorted, 28-oz.
Citronella Triple-Wick Candle, 23-oz.
Organic End All Insect Killer, 32-oz.
BioAdvanced Home Pest Control Plus Germ Killer, 24-oz. Ready to Use
Mouse / Rodent Repellent Pouch, 4-Pk.
Power Kill Rat Trap
Fogger Insecticide, 64-oz.
Citronella Single Wick Bucket, 19-oz.
Bitefighter Cedar & Citronella Torch Fuel, 12-oz.
Bird Spike, Stainless Steel/Plastic, 5-In. x 6-Ft.
Bird Spike, Clear Plastic, 5-In. x 6-Ft.
Mouse Attractant Gel, 1-oz.
All-Natural Mouse Repellent, 4-Pk.
12-Count Roach Killing System
Deer & Rabbit Repellent, Ready-to-Use, 1-Gallon
No-View No-Touch Mouse Traps, 2-Pk.
Deep Woods Insect Repellent, 6-oz. Spray
Ant Killing Gel, 27-gm.
Organic Insecticidal Soap, 16-oz.
Octenol Cartridge Insect Attractant, 3-Pk.
Electronic Rat Trap
Mosquito Repellent Appliance Refill Kit
Electronic Pest-A-Cator 2000
Mosquito Dunk, 2-Pk.
88521 Overseas HighwayTavernier, FL 33070 +13058524300
82705 Overseas HighwayIslamorada, FL 33036 +13057354141
30251 Overseas HighwayBig Pine Key, FL 33043 +13058723787